Is Your Daughter Taking a First Road Trip with a Friend?

If your daughter is going on her first road trip, you must be feeling some pretty different emotions. On one hand, you are probably feeling a bit melancholy about days when you were the driver in charge of fun trips. On the other hand, you might also be excited that she is getting to go on adventures. Even if your daughter has shown that she is a responsible driver, you may still be a bit worried about her going on a first road trip. [Read More]

Older Car Not Acting Right? 3 Signs It Is The Carburetor

If your older car is not driving like it normally does there could be many things wrong with it. One of these things is the carburetor. In many cases, carburetors are no longer used in newer cars, but older cars still have them. To help you know if you are having this problem, below are three signs your carburetor is failing so you can get it repaired now before things get worse. [Read More]

Tips For Staying Safe At Night While You Wait For A Tow Truck

If your vehicle broke down at night while driving on the highway, you may have already called a towing service and are waiting for the truck to arrive. While you are waiting on the side of the road with your car, use the following tips to ensure that you stay safe. Make Your Car as Visible as Possible When your car is on the side of the road at night, the drivers of other vehicles on the road may have a hard time seeing you. [Read More]

2 Ways Your Local Towing Company Can Help You Beyond Towing

Many people don't realize that towing companies can help you out with a lot more than just towing your vehicle. Towing companies can help you do a lot more than just tow your vehicle; they can help you out with a wide variety of different vehicle related issues. When you find yourself experiencing a vehicle-related emergency, and you are not sure where to turn, call your local towing company. Lock-Outs [Read More]